
Project Disclaimer: Some projects cannot be displayed because of an NDA. Additional samples are available upon request.

Content Strategy & Marketing

Higher Ed Storytelling: Brooklyn College Website Redesign

Read about site redesign:

  • Collaborating with multiple stake holders across college
  • Working with a cross-functional teams as member of Communications & Marketing Department
  • New information architecture, content design, and content creation to streamline information presented to college’s two core audiences: current and perspective students

Curriculum Storytelling: College Board SpringBoard Website Redesign

Read about site redesign:

  • 36% reduction in unique URLs and 80% reduction in pages
  • New dynamic state-specific user experience
  • Content rewritten for brand voice and aligned with new page designs
  • Content migration from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7

Structured & Reusable Content: College Board SAT School Day

Read about creating a content database to leverage the use of structured and reusable content.

Content Strategy & Newsletter Redesign: Scholastic Teachers

Read about an email newsletter redesign, a redesigned teacher homepage, and creative homepage content promotions.

Nonprofit Website Redesign: User Research, Content Modeling, and Content Planning

Read about how user research and content modeling led to effective content planning. 

Nonprofit Content Audit & Report: JerseySTEM.org

View a content audit and report for JerseySTEM.org.

Domain & Content Modeling: Career Key

Read about how domain and content modeling can lead to enhanced branding and structured marketing content.

Content Strategy & UX Design: FORTE

During this client project for my General Assembly class, my partner and I were tasked with creating a mobile app in three weeks for FORTE. FORTE is a social and interactive platform that allows users to stream live and on-demand fitness classes from coveted boutique fitness studios.

Magazine Website Redesign: American Artist 

Oversaw complete site overhaul that improved site architecture, navigation, and design. Monthly page views increased 241%.

Other Projects

Website Copyediting: Dylan Valencia Designs Children’s Clothing

Read about how clear and concise copyediting enhanced this children’s clothing site.

Brochures: College Board Illinois College Counselor SAT

This set of materials was written to explain to college counselors how SAT School Day was going to be administered in Illinois.

Brochure & Website Content: FORETHOUGHT.net

Created online content from print brochure for the Property Management section of the site.